Setting Keras Environment
For your convenience, you'd better install and use git bash.
Therefore, I will test on git bash or bash terminal integrated within VSCode.
Install Miniconda on Windows
Setting Keras
Install Karas from Yaml
# Make yaml file. $ vi environment-gpu.yml name: keras-study dependencies: - python=3.7 - scikit-learn - scipy - numpy - matplotlib - ipython - jupyter - pillow - opencv - graphviz - cython - pip: - tensorflow-gpu==1.15 - keras==2.2.4 - pydot-ng # Create conda env $ conda env create -f environment-gpu.yml # Enter karas-study env $ conda activate karas-study
If not able to activate a certain conda env, add this instruction into .bashrc
. ~/Miniconda3/etc/profile.d/
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