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Code Block
$ helm search repo influxdb                                                                                                                                            
NAME                            CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION                                                                                                                   
bitnami/influxdb                1.0.0           1.8.3           InfluxDB is an open source time-series database...                                                                            
influxdata/influxdb             4.8.9           1.8.0           Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and rea...                                                                            
influxdata/influxdb-enterprise  0.1.12          1.8.0           Run InfluxDB Enterprise on Kubernetes                                                                                         
influxdata/influxdb2            1.0.11          2.0.0-rc        A Helm chart for InfluxDB v2                                                                                                  
stable/influxdb                 4.3.2           1.7.9           DEPRECATED Scalable datastore for metrics, even...                                                                            
bitnami/grafana                 4.0.2           7.3.3           Grafana is an open source, feature rich metrics...                                                                            
influxdata/kapacitor            1.3.1           1.5.4           InfluxDB's native data processing engine. It ca...                                                                            
stable/kapacitor                1.2.2           1.5.2           DEPRECATED InfluxDB's native data processing en...                                                                            
influxdata/chronograf           1.1.19          1.8.8           Open-source web application written in Go and R...                                                                            
influxdata/telegraf             1.7.32          1.16            Telegraf is an agent written in Go for collecti...                                                                            
influxdata/telegraf-operator    1.1.5           v1.1.1          A Helm chart for Kubernetes to deploy telegraf-...

Install Chart

Basic install Chart

기본적인 chart 설치 명령은 다음과 같다.
